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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Solar Power Orange to Prevent any Social or Economic Issues in the Future

A decade ago, no one had thought of electricity production on an individual scale as a common practice. The traditional energy production methods rely on large scale installations. Electricity is produced at a central location and then distributed across the whole town, city or county. In comparison with solar panels, it is an inefficient method as there are also distribution losses involved in traditional energy production. Due to environmental considerations, many green energy methods have been invented such as wind turbines, hydroelectric dams and solar energy. But none are as convenient as solar panels. Citizens do not need permissions or clearances from the federal authorities to install these as they do not cause any kind of environmental disturbance. Solar panels run independent of any fuel and can be used to generate either heat or electricity. The electricity prices are sure to rise in the coming future which could lead to desperate times. For these reasons, residents of California are encouraged to take part in solar power Orange to not only benefit themselves, the environment and the state but also to avoid any future social or economic disturbances.