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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Solar LA: The Key to Lowering Electricity Bills in Los Angeles

Solar LA is the title that encompasses all efforts by the citizens and government to popularize solar energy in Los Angeles. While policy making is underway, you can contribute to this movement by installing solar panels in your house. This will help you achieve the dual benefits of saving money in the long run and also giving back to the environment. To start off, solar panels are not that expensive to install. But even if cost is the issue, think about all the money you will save in electricity bills every year. Not to mention, homes with solar panels are given rebates and tax benefits. Plus, you can extra money by sending excess electricity back into the grid. As far as conserving nature is concerned, remember that currently electricity is generated mostly from the burning of fossil fuels. But once more and more people shift to solar energy, they overall environmental impact of burning coal will go down significantly, resulting in a cleaner America.